A Period of Abstinence from Masturbation and Pornography Leads to Lower Fatigue and Various Other Benefits: A Quantitative Study

Jochen Straub and Casper Schmidt


Many young men have noticed significant personal benefits from abstaining from online pornography and masturbation which has resulted in a large online movement. This study is a step toward quantitatively exploring these benefits in 21 single men who underwent three weeks of pornography and masturbation abstinence. When comparing the abstinence group to a control group, we found significantly strong effects of reduced mental and physiological fatigue. Further¬more, medium effects were discovered in measures of increased wakefulness, ac¬tivity, inspiration, self-control, and reduced shyness. Participants who additionally abstained from sex showed even stronger effects in reduced mental and physio¬logical fatigue. The effects found suggest energizing and performance-enhancing potentials in a non-clinical group of single male subjects. These findings could be relevant to the treatment of a range of clinical symptoms including social anxiety, lethargy, and fatigue. A limited period of sexual abstinence might also increase personal, athletic, and professional performance.

Published on: May 11, 2020
doi: 10.17756/jas.2022-056
Citation: Straub J, Schmidt C. 2022. A Period of Abstinence from Masturbation and Pornography Leads to Lower Fatigue and Various Other Benefits: A Quantitative Study. J Addict Sci 8(1): 1-9.