Sudhanshu Patwardhan and Ira Banerjee
Centre for Health Research and Education, University of Southampton Science Park, Chilworth, Hampshire, UK
Nicotine withdrawal may commonly manifest amongst hospitalised smokers under emergency; it has the potential to be underdiagnosed, and worse still, under-treated. This perspective piece reviews the sparse literature around the issue. The challenges posed by nicotine withdrawal amongst hospitalised smokers are highlighted and it explores how they may become increasingly relevant throughout Covid-19. Here we discuss what the emerging data on nicotine use, Covid-19 incidence, and proposed studies with NRT during Covid-19 may suggest for the adoption of nicotine replacement for future in-patient settings to manage nicotine withdrawal.
Published on: May 08, 2020
doi: 10.17756/jas.2020-S1-001
Citation: Patwardhan S, Banerjee I. 2020. Nicotine Withdrawal, the Role of NRT in Hospitalised Smoker Patients and its Implications. J Addict Sci 6(S1): S1-S4.
doi: 10.17756/jas.2020-S1-001
Citation: Patwardhan S, Banerjee I. 2020. Nicotine Withdrawal, the Role of NRT in Hospitalised Smoker Patients and its Implications. J Addict Sci 6(S1): S1-S4.