The Social Cost of Drinking and Driving in the City of São Paulo

Edilaine Moraes, Marcio Mariano Moreira, Geraldo Mendes de Campos and Ronaldo Laranjeira



In this study, we assessed the cost of drinking and driving in the city of São Paulo/SP, Brazil in 2008 using a cost-of-illness assessment. The estimated social cost of drinking-and-driving” varied from 239 million to 283 million BRL in 2008. Although the costs were underestimated due to the scarcity of available data, the present study succeeded in establishing a close approximation of the expenses associated with drinking and driving in São Paulo. Further studies on this topic would be valuable because they could educate policy decision-makers about the need for investments for preventive actions. In addition, data in governmental agencies’ databases should be improved.

Published on: September 23, 2016
doi: 10.17756/jrdsas.2016-027
Citation: Moraes E, Moreira MM, de Campos GM, Laranjeira R. 2016. The Social Cost of Drinking and Driving in the City of São Paulo. J Reward Defic Syndr Addict Sci 2(2): 55-59.