“It’s A Deficiency Disorder”. Clients Understanding of Substance and Behavioral Addictions and Treatment Needs: An Interview Study

Elisabeth Punzi



During past decades, researchers and clinicians have acknowledged the cooccurrence of substance and behavioral addictions (excessive food intake, sexual activities, Internet use, gambling, exercise, and shopping). It has for example been shown that clients who attain abstinence from substances instead might “switch addiction” and develop excessive gambling [1, 2]. It has also been shown that clients might use substances and one or several behaviors concurrently [3, 4]. The phenomenon is complex and it is often difficult to distinguish between the switching of addictions and the concurrent use of substances and behaviors.

Published on: September 6, 2016
doi: 10.17756/jrdsas.2016-026
Citation: Punzi E. 2016 “It’s A Deficiency Disorder”. Clients Understanding of Substance and Behavioral Addictions and Treatment Needs: An Interview Study. J Reward Defic Syndr Addict Sci 2(2): 46-54.